Monday, August 20, 2012

PTC is so excited to start another school year!!

PTC MEETINGS We know your time is valuable!! Our meetings are held regularly through the school year and typically last about an hour (or less)! We always have updates from Mr. Etchemendy and from a teacher or grade level, information on upcoming events, budget reports and occasionally special presentations from outside individuals that would be helpful to parents & teachers alike. Our first meeting is Monday, September 20th @ 6 pm in the Library! Hope to see you there! JOG-A-THON Our biggest fundraiser of the year will be here before we know it!! Jog-a-Thon 2012 is Friday, October 5th!! We always need lots of help making this day a success and would LOVE for you to be a part of this team!! Please contact Amy Morris (503-704-9960) or Chele Condello (503-510-5698) for more information on how to help!! There are plenty of roles to fill and tasks to be completed!! HELP US KEEP YOU INFORMED!! 1) FACEBOOK – Please go to the “Forest Ridge Elementary PTC” Facebook page and “like” us! We will be posting regular reminders, updates and needs here throughout the year! 2) THURSDAY THOUGHTS – We will place information, announcements or forms in Thursday Thoughts too!! 3) CONTACT INFORMATION – Would you please complete the attached sheet and bring it to Open House with you?? This will help us communicate better with parents by grade level so you get information that pertains most directly to you and your family! You can also indicate any areas you may be interested in helping with this year! WE NEED YOU! We still have a few vacancies both on the board and helping with some specific events (Vice Chairman, Secretary, Jog-a-Thon, Communication, Family Fun Night, Family Enrichment Nights, etc.) If you’re interested, please contact Michelle Unwin @ 503-510-5694 or